Who Are We Here at Emmanuel Lutheran Church
If you are familiar with the name “Lutheran” within the Christian faith, we want to let you know that we are a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s written word, inspired by the Holy Spirit and inerrant in what it teaches, and has the final say on questions of teaching (or doctrine) and church practice. We also believe without reservation that the Augsburg Confession of 1530 and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, along with the other confessional writings of the Lutheran church coming out of the Reformation, are faithful to the Holy Bible in what they teach and proclaim as Christian faith and truth. These writings also have doctrinal authority in our church under the Holy Bible.
If you are not familiar with the name “Lutheran” and Lutheran history, here are couple of brief things to know. First, we are Christians. It is just that we are Christians in the historical, Lutheran tradition. The name “Lutheran” comes from Martin Luther who was the leader of the Reformation of the Christian church in the early 1500’s, though Luther himself did not really want to have any church named after him. Second, we are “orthodox” Christians in the western tradition of the Christian church. By “orthodox” we mean that we hold to the teaching about God as Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ as true God and true man as set forth in the Christian church’s three ecumenical creeds; the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. We also hold to the verbal inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Holy Bible as the written word of God, as has always been the case in orthodox Christianity. We also affirm without reservation what the Bible teaches about salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, as well as what the Bible teaches about morality, including sexual morality.
To learn more about us, we invite you to talk with our elders. They would be delighted to talk about any questions you may have.
If you are not familiar with the name “Lutheran” and Lutheran history, here are couple of brief things to know. First, we are Christians. It is just that we are Christians in the historical, Lutheran tradition. The name “Lutheran” comes from Martin Luther who was the leader of the Reformation of the Christian church in the early 1500’s, though Luther himself did not really want to have any church named after him. Second, we are “orthodox” Christians in the western tradition of the Christian church. By “orthodox” we mean that we hold to the teaching about God as Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ as true God and true man as set forth in the Christian church’s three ecumenical creeds; the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. We also hold to the verbal inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Holy Bible as the written word of God, as has always been the case in orthodox Christianity. We also affirm without reservation what the Bible teaches about salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, as well as what the Bible teaches about morality, including sexual morality.
To learn more about us, we invite you to talk with our elders. They would be delighted to talk about any questions you may have.