Pastor Dubke
Rev. Dallas C. R. Dubke & Family
The peace of the Lord be with you!
The Lord and music have always been a part of my life. Born and raised in Northern California, I grew up in a musical family which led to a desire to pursue a degree in music. I finished a Bachelor’s in Music at Concordia University Wisconsin, then worked for two years at a garden center while preparing to go to seminary. After two years of working, traveling and gaining life experience, I studied at Concordia Seminary St. Louis to complete a Masters of Divinity degree, with opportunities to study God’s word, sing and play in several music ensembles, hang out with friends, spend a quarter at the Fort Wayne Concordia Theological Seminary, and enjoy some of the sites and activities of St. Louis. I completed my vicarage (theological internship) at Trinity Lutheran church in Bemidji Minnesota, enjoying Northern Minnesota culture, with ice fishing, eating lutefisk and lefse, snowmobiling and experiencing -20 degree weather. During my last year of Seminary, I was blessed to serve as director of the Seminary Brass Ensemble and the Seminary Men’s chorus. From 2011 to July of 2024, I served as pastor in the Northwest at Faith Lutheran church in Monmouth Oregon while being involved with various activities and adventures in the area, including serving as a vocal director for a local Christian arts community. Other activities and interests over the years include performing in musicals and vocal ensembles, tennis, ping pong, ball room dancing, Civil War reenacting, snowboarding, rock climbing, SCUBA diving, bungee jumping, reading, and trying all kinds of new things. In June of 2020, I married my lovely wife Shannon, and God has given us two wonderful children, James and Sophia. We have been blessed to serve the Lord together, and I pray that the life that God has given to us will continue to be used to His praise and glory. Called to be pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, my family and I are excited to be here in Colorado to serve together with God’s people at the church and at Emmanuel Lutheran School! May the Lord, working through His word and gifts, strengthen and guide all of us in service to the Lord, as our crucified and risen Savior is proclaimed, for the sake of God’s Kingdom, to His praise and glory. One of my favorite Bible verses is 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” |